Clean your phone camera while you’re at home on vacation


A sweet reunion. A rich expanse. Young children meeting relatives for the first time.

There are many reasons to miss out on photo opportunities this holiday season, but be careful not to let a dirty phone camera lens ruin your memories.

From our little help desk family to yours, consider this a friendly reminder to wipe down your camera as much as possible to avoid clouding or halo-filled your precious photos.

In our experience, the best way to do this is to wipe the lens with a microfiber cloth in a quick circular motion. Don’t forget to clean the front camera too. That way, you will get clearer selfies.

If you wear glasses, you probably already own this cloth. They often also come with cell phone accessories such as screen protectors.

You can also use pre-moistened lens wipes. These wipes often come in packs of 50 or 100 wipes. Many of them are made of paper, so you don’t have to press too hard when wiping them. If you start wiping, please stop immediately. dry immediately).

In case you were wondering, no, traditional wet wipes are not a good substitute. They often contain moisturizers and other additives, which can make your lenses even dirtier.

If you don’t have these things on hand, don’t worry. In a pinch, sleeves are all you need (unless you’re wearing something shabby). This may take a little while as dry fabrics tend to push grease and schmutz around. If you have a really hard time cleaning your lenses, blowing on them before wiping them usually helps.


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