City of Charlottesville establishes Office of Sustainability


December 12, 2023 News Release

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – On November 20, 2023, City Manager Sam Sanders announced the creation of the Office of Sustainability as part of the City Manager’s Office. This announcement signals a focus and commitment to deeply integrating the city’s sustainability and climate change goals throughout the organization. “These changes will prioritize climate action and strengthen the focus on working across the City organization as an extension of the City Manager,” Sanders said in a Dec. 4 report to the City Council. ” he said. Climate action is one of the strategic outcome areas in the city’s new strategic planning framework adopted in September 2023.

The City of Charlottesville began a formal environmental program in 2002. For more than 20 years, the program has focused on regulatory compliance, pollution prevention, environmental remediation and management, water and energy efficiency, sustainability, and climate action. This initiative supports the city’s green city vision of vibrant urban forests, clean air and water, healthy rivers and streams, efficient housing and buildings, and other improved environmental conditions. Recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, City Council adopted a Community Climate Action Plan in early 2023 to pursue important greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. In addition to reducing emissions, the City of Charlottesville collaborated with Albemarle County and the University of Virginia on Resilient Together. This is an effort to ensure that communities are strong, safe and healthy in the face of a changing climate.

Many sustainability projects and programs continue to be successful thanks to strong collaboration with internal, local and regional partners. We work together on local environmental initiatives for the benefit of local communities. We are focused on justice and equity and are committed to Charlottesville’s efforts to positively contribute to global impact. “The Office of Sustainability is a resource for all City departments and is focused on taking a whole-of-government approach to this important sustainability and climate change response,” said Kristel, Director of the Office of Sustainability. – Riddervold stated. “We are also committed to our communities and will continue to work with residents, businesses and other partners to meet local climate goals and protect the environment. We will do this while keeping Congress’ commitment to gender, diversity, and inclusion at the forefront.”

To learn more about the Office of Sustainability’s efforts, visit

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