Invest in your team (office and home) to build a better team


This article is the final part of the series Growth is never necessary*. What I’m discussing is how to rapidly scale your business while keeping your mental health a priority and leveraging that foundation of health as a superpower to drive sustainable growth and success.

Check out the rest of the series develop meaningful habits, Change your mindset to drive resilience and profitabilityand Investing in valuable assets Most founders ignore it.

Two months after putting all of her effort into launching her strategy consultancy, Easy Scaling, Jordan Shanda King found out she was pregnant.

Over the next two years, she not only had a child, but grew the company to a 20-person agency and over six figures in revenue.

Pregnancy, she says, made her think of self-care less as a nice-to-have and more as a concrete, nonjudgmental, selfless act, a philosophy she’s lived by ever since. “As I grew and achieved more success, I only felt the weight of responsibility as a business owner, but also a deeper appreciation for taking care of myself,” she says. say.

She learned that to ensure the sustainability of her company, she needed to give herself permission to say no, take time, and slow down.

But what is the number one tactic she believes in achieving prosperity in business and family life? She builds a strong support team around her.

“Without a doubt, the most important thing business owners can do to maintain their own mental health and well-being is to hire support,” she explains.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but concerns about the cost of recruitment support and the difficulty of finding the right people are something I hear time and time again from my executive coaching clients. So, here’s how we knew the timing and hire was right, and how we make sure the people around us help drive sustainable success.Hear from other founders. I would like to conclude this series with some advice.

Decide on the right time (and financial investment)

Dr. Leslie Dobson, a clinical and forensic psychologist, specializes in criminal and civil litigation and assesses mental health disorders in plaintiff teams and defense attorneys. Now, she is the only one in the business, but in order to increase her profits, she has increased her retainer fees and legal fees in one year. Once her revenue reaches $1 million, she plans to hire others.

For some companies, that approach works. But Antoinette Adefela, CEO and founder of Exp.Design LLC, knew that in order to scale her creative learning agency, she would need to build a team sooner rather than later. Payments from corporate customers are often delayed by 30 to 60 days, so we knew we needed to think strategically about how to manage our cash flow before hiring someone else. Ta.

“We decided to reinvest a significant portion of our funds back into the business in preparation for expanding and building our team,” she says. This preparation period also provided an opportunity to establish clearly defined best practices and processes for future staff.

As a result, when working on important projects, she was able to assemble her team knowing that she could support them financially and that they were prepared to do their best work. “The preparation before this project allowed us to create a supportive environment for our new team and remove some of the stress they might have to deal with,” she says. “It was definitely a win-win for everyone.”

take care of people

As Adefera learned, ensuring employees have what they need to thrive is an essential part of achieving sustainable scale. His girlfriend Ronite Menashe, CEO and co-founder of WeNatal, the prenatal supplement brand they started together, agrees. Not only is it possible to foster a high-performance company culture without adhering to her “all-out-at-all-costs” philosophy, she says, it’s also possible for businesses like hers to is necessary, she says.

“It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to build a company, but if we aim to truly innovate in the field of infertility, our company culture will continue to align with the wellness practices we promote to our community.” I always tell myself that I need to reflect that,” she explains.

She and her co-founders provide each employee with tools to maintain physical and mental health, including the Oura ring to monitor and improve sleep quality. We also encourage practicing daily gratitude habits within our team. “This allows me to reflect on and express gratitude for all the amazing accomplishments I’ve achieved and the amazing people who have supported me along the way,” she says.

Think beyond traditional “teams”

Many of the executives I work with consider their “team” to be more than contractors and employees. Adefera recommends determining key people in your support system, such as your parents, partner, therapist, business coach, and founder community. “You need an outlet to talk about what you’re going through and express yourself,” she says.

Shanda King credits many people with being part of her support team. In addition to her husband, many colleagues, colleagues, friends, and family members who shared their wisdom with us. But her biggest investment, she says, is her coach. “She helped me navigate everyday challenges, doubts and fears about big decisions, the intersection of personal and professional stress, impostor syndrome, and more,” she explains. “I wouldn’t be where I am today, both in business and health-wise, without my coach.”

Dobson found that her most important support network was at home. “Stay true to your family goals and family mission and put work on the back burner,” she advises. “If you have strong roots at home and feel connected to your family, you will be more successful at work.”

Surround yourself with people who promote your happiness

Over the past two years, Caitlin McCarthy-Miranda’s marketing agency, C|Louise, has experienced impressive revenue growth, signed dream clients, and rapidly hired. But that growth has not been without its challenges. “Sometimes we get so caught up in the chaos that it’s hard to look in the mirror and see how stress is manifesting,” she says.

She credits those in her inner circle for prioritizing her health and implementing habits that have allowed her to perform for herself and her team. “The people around me knew me well, were fearless, told me exactly what was going on, and took care of me,” she says. “Call on your friends, lean on your friends. They showed me the light.”

McCarthy-Miranda also recommends surrounding yourself with staff and customers who respect and encourage taking time off. “You set the tone, but those around you need to understand the value of unplugging and recharging,” she says. “Some clients have called me to remind me to take time off, recognizing that my health is paramount to our healthy growth.”

She also brought her sister and best friend along with her on her professional journey. She credits him with reminding her that her life is about dancing through a storm to a sunny sky. She said: “Challenges always lead to greatness and make brighter days even brighter.”

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