Design Recipe: Furniture Arrangement 101


One of the biggest challenges when setting up your own space involves how to properly arrange your furniture.

Knowing the basic elements of space design and common floor plan configurations can help guide you.

common room shapes





Although rectangular rooms are the most common floor plan shape, issues may arise related to floor plan layout. Rectangular rooms with glass walls, windows, closets, and door openings can make it difficult to plan furniture placement.

Introduction: Planning process

Before purchasing furniture, be sure to plan ahead by following these design recipe tips.

Measure both the width and length of the space, and if necessary, the height.

Obtain the dimensions of your desired furniture. Product dimensions are provided for almost all furniture selections.

Plan and sketch. Plan your space on paper. This step is not about drawing ability, but it is a useful visualization tool.

typical furniture layout





straight: This type of furniture arrangement is effective when the furniture is placed mostly along one wall or plane and there are long walls.

parallel: This furniture arrangement works well even in small rooms. In this arrangement, furniture groups are placed opposite each other.

Angled: This arrangement works well when space is a challenge, as the angle allows the space to remain open.

L-shaped: This popular arrangement helps enclose a space while still giving it a feeling of openness.

design recipe tips

Let’s go modular. Modular furniture allows maximum flexibility in furniture placement and configuration.

Based in New York City, Kathy Hobbs is an Emmy Award-winning television host, nationally known interior design home staging expert, and short-term rental/rental manager with offices in New York City and the Hudson Valley. I am also a villa designer. Contact her at or visit her website at


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