Big Country Pet of the Week | Idaho


Each week, we spotlight animals looking for forever homes at local shelters.

This week’s Big Country Pets of the Week is Hattie.


Hattie is waiting to meet her new family at the Palouse Humane Society. Her holiday wish is to find a forever home. Hattie is approximately 4-5 years old, short-haired, medium-sized, and a mixed breed. She weighs about 35 pounds and she is spayed. Shelter staff say she is goofy, playful and welcoming.


Hattie is looking for a home without cats or small animals. However, she loves having a canine brother or sister in her new home. Hattie gets along well with other dogs, so she would probably benefit from getting another puppy to keep her company. As with all dog adoptions, Hattie must meet the dog in the home before leaving her HSoP. Hattie originally came to her HSoP as a very timid stray cat, but she has made great strides in her time here. Hattie now makes friends easily and she is much calmer when away from the loud barking in the kennel. Hattie loves running! She seems to have baked tracks in her outdoor kennel and she loves when she gets a chance to run at full speed. She loves walks and our volunteers say she has great leash manners. One of Hattie’s challenges is potty training. I’m not sure if she has ever lived in one, but she has always had accidents in her kennel. The right owner for Hattie will be patient, understanding of this challenge, and willing to do what is necessary to help her learn. Hattie loves spending time with her companions, and she will happily accompany them on outdoor adventures.


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